How to train your dog to enjoy vet visits

An important key to taking the anxiety out of vet visits is to train your dog to calmly accept handling and gentle restraint, and to make the experience from start to finish as pleasant as possible. Sharing your life with a dog can help combat stress – until it’s time to visit the veterinarian, that […]

Pet services galore!

From mobile groomers to animal photographers, there are all kinds of pet service providers and professionals out there. In fact, pet services of all types are a hot trend these days. Let’s take a look! In an ever-evolving world, the pet industry is no stranger to innovation. One of the hottest trends is the ever-expanding […]

Enhancing your pet’s kibble-based diet

While many pet kibbles are improving in quality, it’s never a bad idea to add some extra nutritional value and variety to these foods. If your dog or cat eats a kibble-based diet, here are some foods and meal toppers that will enhance its nutritional impact. Not long ago, most kibble-based diets were regarded as […]

How massage benefits senior dogs and cats

From easing joint discomfort to alleviating anxiety, massage therapy offers both physical and psychological benefits to senior dogs and cats.  Almost all dogs and cats can benefit from massage therapy. However, I have found that elderly animals make up the bulk of my canine and feline massage clients. Senior animals tend to require pain management […]

Disaster in the air? Put your dog in good care.

If disaster strikes, do you have a plan for your pet? There are no shortage of stories of groups having to come into a disaster zone to rescue animals. It’s important to have a plan. Setting the Scene: In late August of 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, creating irreparable damage to thousands of […]

Invisible Fence for Dogs – Most Effective Wireless Dog Fences

Being a dog caretaker comes with a lot of responsibility. One of the most significant challenges is keeping dogs contained when they’re outdoors, especially if they’re stubborn or like to wander. While many use a traditional physical fence, an electric fence, or a leash to keep their dogs safe, others have taken the more modern […]

6 tips for washing your dog

Washing your dog is a necessary activity, especially in the warmer months. Here’s how you can make this task an easy process, for you and your dog. Summer is upon us, and that probably means you and your pup are spending more time outside. Most dogs would much rather skip bath time, but after spending […]

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