Choosing an Animal Communicator for Your Dog or Cat

Thinking about hiring an animal communicator for your dog or cat? Find out what communicators can and can’t do, and how to choose the right individual for you and your animal.

Does your dog bark non-stop? Does your cat have a biting problem? If your veterinarian has given your best friend a clean bill of health, and the training techniques you’re using don’t seem to be helping — what’s next? Animal communication may be able to provide you with some answers about why your dog or cat is acting the way he is. But how do you find an animal communicator, and what should you look for when hiring someone? How much does it cost, and what are the benefits? Here’s what you should know.


While you’ll see numerous YouTube channels hosted by animal communicators, along with books written by them, animal communication isn’t a mainstream profession. It’s a practice that lands between pet services and energy healing. It also dovetails with the spiritual realm since some animal communicators are also shamans or spiritual mediums.

Some practitioners earn their certificates by studying with respected animal communicators, while others pick up the gift naturally. Whether an animal communicator has formal or informal training, it’s the constant practice that hones the skills needed to communicate with companion animals and their guardians.

Did you know? The advantage of hiring a communicator with formal training is that they are expected to follow a set of ethical guidelines. For instance, an animal communicator who doesn’t have a medical background cannot legally diagnose, prescribe or treat an animal.


As animal communicators, we work mainly with telepathy, which involves seeing images as symbols, seeing moving images (including of the cat or dog’s previous experiences), or experiencing sensations in our bodies, such as an aching hip or burning face. We might also pick up on scents or other sensations we know are coming from the animal and not our own physical bodies.

In working with dogs and cats as an animal communicator, I have received specific messages about their home environments, their people, and even thoughts about their current circumstances.

Did you know? Often, the cat or dog is reflecting an attitude or behavior from their guardian that bothers them.

For instance, one client contacted me because her cat bit the client’s feet at night when she was sleeping. When I communicated with the cat, she told me her human annoyed her when she wavered back and forth with decisions. When the guardian understood this issue, the cat stopped biting her feet.

“In a typical in-person session, the guardian can expect to learn about their animal, from the animal’s point of view,” says animal communicator Danielle MacKinnon. “Sometimes, this is surprising for the guardian but, just like people, each dog or cat sees him/herself through their individual filter. The guardian may believe their animal is anxious, for example, but the animal may share that it’s not anxiety, just shyness.

“The guardian learns not only why their animal is experiencing whatever it is they’reexperiencing, but also how it relates to their own emotional, mental, and spiritual growth,” adds Danielle. “Animals take advantage of the opportunity to explain more directly to their people how they’re helping them evolve. A cat could tell their human that they’re modeling good boundaries by not allowing anyone to touch them.”


When searching for an animal communicator for your own dog or cat, keeps these suggestions in mind:

  • “A recommendation from family or friends who have been pleased with a communication session for their own animals can be especially helpful,” says animal communicator Carol Schultz. “In my professional practice over 20 years, I would estimate 90% of clients have been referrals.”
  • “Check out several websites, then begin to sense a few animal communicators whom you feel drawn to the most,” adds Carol. “This may be based on their life background, years of experience, noted areas of expertise, articles/books, client session process, testimonials, posted animal photos, and/or a strong inner sense that the communicator will be a supportive match for you and your needs.”
  • Hire an animal communicator who is dedicated to their work and has a track record demonstrated by testimonials on their website. Look for certificates and mentions of liability insurance, because these mean the animal communicator takes their profession seriously.
  • “It is okay to ask how someone became an animal communicator,” says animal communicator Shirley Scott. “Is it natural, did they study with someone, or did they take classes?”
  • Work with a communicator who provides an intake session to acquire information about the dog or cat’s household, a basic background of the animal, and a mention of the behavior or situation that requires work. Animal communicators aren’t mind readers; on the other hand, dumping too much information on them isn’t helpful either.
  • “The communicator should have a positive outlook on everything,” says Shirley. “There is always something good in any situation. They need to be gentle and reassuring.”
  • An ethical animal communicator warns against expectations. This is because animals are unpredictable in their responses; yet even when the guardian’s expectations aren’t met, the session is still successful from the animal’s perspective. Letting go of control about the outcome requires trust that the animal’s situation will be resolved. My own teachers taught me to allow the animal to lead the conversation, and also the experiences of the session. Cats and dogs especially understand us better than we understand ourselves.

Did you know? An animal communicator must ask you for permission before communicating with your dog or cat.


While animal communication isn’t generally accepted by veterinarians, some acknowledge it can be helpful. “I’m not sure it’s a modality that’s widely accepted, [but] I’ve had several clients let me know they have sought out a communicator to assist with certain things,” says veterinarian Dr. Erica Jewel. “I feel you need to connect with the animal communicator on a higher level. It’s helpful to have a conversation to get to know each other, go over expectations, and have a short discussion afterwards about what is found.”

Whatever the reason you’re considering an animal communicator for your dog or cat, hiring the right individual is important and can offer many benefits. It’s also an invaluable way to profoundly deepen your bond with your dog or cat.


Patricia Herlevi

Patricia Herlevi is a novelist, journalist and spiritual coach who uses social media to educate and inspire her viewers. She started writing about animal rescue after fostering a German shorthair pointer named Sobaka for nearly two years. She has published articles in a variety of publications and is currently writing a memoir about fostering Sobaka.

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