Personalized Canine Cancer Treatments Translate to Higher Remission Rates

Heterogeneity means cancer treatments need to be individually tailored for better clinical outcomes.

The canine population has a considerable vulnerability to cancer. One in four dogs is likely to suffer from the disease. With canine cancers being a common occurrence, an estimated treatment failure rate of around 20% should be of concern.

Heterogeneity is a factor that can impede the effectiveness of a particular cancer drug in canines belonging to different genotypes. There are two ways to counter this problem:

  1. By developing a better understanding of how different canine breeds respond to available cancer treatments and opting for the best possible solution. However, a thorough comprehension of cancer treatment responses in different dog breeds at a genetic and molecular level demands extensive research and fully equipped state-of-the-art labs. Such research is already going on in different noteworthy institutes, but the information we have is still limited. There are also factors other than the genotype that can play a part, which makes it even harder for practicing veterinarians to be entirely sure about the efficacy of a certain cancer drug in individual dogs.
  2. By getting insights from existing clinical outcome data and figuring out which cancer meds worked best for which kind of dogs in the past. This approach involves analyzing huge datasets and deriving usable insights from them – which can be a painstaking process. However, there is technology now available encompassing machine learning models that can be trained to do the job for us in a blink of an eye.

Personalizing cancer treatments is bound to yield positive outcomes and should be the way forward. Research is still underway to identify the nuances in the pharmacogenomics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics in different dog breeds. However, artificial intelligence is a tool that can help us navigate through the existing clinical outcome data for deciding the most effective treatments for individual patients.

Fortunately, there is an AI platform already made available by ImpriMed that can prove to be a dependable sidekick while veterinarians put on their personalized cancer treatment capes.

ImpriMed’s AI and drug response prediction profile

 ImpriMed is a precision medicine company with a mission to empower clinicians with the best AI-based predictive information for personalized cancer care.

ImpriMed’s AI platform uses live cancer cells and tests them for drug sensitivity. The results are combined with extensive clinical outcome information that the AI already has, and a personalized prediction profile is curated. The prediction profile aids veterinarians in deciding the best possible cancer treatment.

 ImpriMed is currently offering canine lymphoma and leukemia drug response predictions. You can send ImpriMed live patient cancer cells collected via the fine needle aspiration method and receive the profile within seven days.

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