Crafts you can do with your dog

Release your dog’s inner artist with these two fun craft ideas.

We love our dogs and can’t seem to get enough of them! Dogs have their own social media accounts, blogs, and even birthday parties. Isn’t it time to release their inner artist as well? These two easy dog crafts are not only a lot of fun, but a great way to spend quality time with your four-legged friend.

Paw Print Project Supplies

  • Non-toxic pet-friendly paints
  • Foam or regular paint brushes
  • Shallow plastic container
  • Heavy card stock or canvas
  • Clipboard if using card stock
  • Drop cloth
  • Towels
  • Bowl of non-toxic dog shampoo and water


  1. Before beginning, trim your dog’s nails and any hair he may have between his paw pads. This will help create a nice print.
  2. Know that your dog will have paint on his feet, so it’s important to think about the location where you’re going to do the project. Place a drop cloth on the ground to avoid too much mess. You can use an actual painting drop cloth or an old sheet or tablecloth.

Tip: Having your dog on his harness and leash will help prevent him from running off with painted feet. It’s a great idea to have a helper.

  1. If you decide to use card stock, place it on a clipboard. This will give the painting surface more stability. It’s also a nice way to practice since it’s inexpensive.
  2. Prepare your clean-up supplies before you start. Put some dog shampoo in a bowl of water. Have lots of towels ready (you can never have too many towels) along with an easily accessible tray to hold your paints and brushes. You can place the latter in a baking dish to keep them all together and eliminate spills. It could get messy once you start!
  3. There are two main ways you can use the paint. You can either dab it onto your dog’s paw pads, or you can have him place his feet in the paint. Either will work, and they produce different effects. Painting his pads will get a cleaner print. If you are looking for a thicker, messier look, having him put his feet in the paint will help achieve that goal. Personally, I find dabbing paint onto the dog’s paw with a sponge creates optimal control of the project.
  4. If you have a helper, ask them to talk to your dog and even provide some tasty treats while you gently pick up one paw and dab paint on the pads. You can use one color or paint each pad a different color.
  5. When your dog’s pads are covered, press his foot straight down on the paper or canvas. Try not to wiggle it around too much. Lift the paw straight up, away from the paper. If there are smudges, don’t worry, it’s just part of your dog’s style.
  6. You can then repaint your dog’s pad with the same colors or choose something different. If you are going to use different colors, clean his paw first with the shampoo and water. After all the paint is removed, take another towel and dry his pads.
  7. Repeat the above process to create as many prints in as many colors as you want!

Tip: If your dog gets fidgety before you’re finished, take a break. You want this to be fun for him too.

  1. Allow your dog’s painting to fully dry. It can be hung as is, or you can paint around the paw prints to add your own touch. People often create flowers from their dogs’ prints, for example. It’s really up to you!

Licky art Supplies

  • Large freezer bag
  • Small canvas
  • Non-toxic paints
  • Dog-friendly food that’s sticky


  1. The first step is to rub dog-friendly sticky foods on one side of the freezer bag. It could be coconut oil, honey, peanut butter, etc. Your goal is for the food to be safe for your dog while also sticking to the bag instead of slipping off. The more you cover the bag, the more your dog will lick it, creating a masterpiece! By using a freezer bag, you make it less likely your dog will bite through to the canvas.
  2. Squeeze various colors of paint across your canvas. You can apply it in drops, lines, squiggles, or whatever you wish. Place the paint-covered canvas inside the freezer bag with the licky stuff on top, taking care not to let the bag rub against the paints too much, and seal it shut.

Tip: If your dog has long ears, you may want to put a dog snood on him to hold his ears flat to his head; this will prevent him from getting messy!

  1. Now comes the fun part. Show your dog the project and encourage him to lick the freezer bag. You may need to cheer him on a bit if he seems hesitant at first. But don’t worry; once he gets a taste, he will go to town on it.
  2. Allow your dog to lick the bag clean. Once he’s finished, carefully remove the canvas from the bag, trying not to rub the painting against the plastic.
  3. Allow the painting to fully dry — and voila! Instant dog art! If you like, you can also add your dog’s paw print as a “signature”.

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