How homeopathy can heal your pet’s allergies

How homeopathy can heal your pet’s allergies

A holistic approach that focuses on homeopathy does more than relieve allergy symptoms in dogs and cats. It heals on a deep level and the results are often permanent.

People spend thousands of dollars trying to treat skin, dietary or respiratory allergies in their dogs and cats. They spend thousands of hours attempting to eliminate remove various triggers and trying different medications. In many cases, especially when conventional approaches are used, they’re not successful. In fact, many mainstream veterinarians believe there is no cure for allergies, and that it’s a problem the dog or cat will have for life. Holistically, however, there is a cure, and one of the most reliable ways to get to the root of the problem is by building health with homeopathy and additional natural therapies.

You can use a two-track approach to eliminating allergies from a homeopathic and holistic perspective. This involves building your dog or cat’s health so his immune system and overall wellness are strengthened, while naturally easing current symptoms.

Track One — Building general health

The first step is to improve the diet you are feeding your dog or cat. The very best choice for long-term health with no allergies is to avoid commercial processed foods, and to either buy a high quality diet made from the freshest, most wholesome ingredients possible, or home-prepare the food from locally-raised (ideally organic) ingredients. Proteins that are served raw or lightly cooked are better than those that are processed because they often do not trigger an allergic reaction.

It’s also important to eliminate toxins such as flea and tick products, chemical household cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, etc. And be sure to minimize vaccines – they contain toxins (adjuvants) and are implicated in many allergies.

Deep cures with homeopathy

Once you’ve addressed diet and toxin exposure, homeopathy is the best way to balance the dog or cat’s vital force so all allergic symptoms are resolved, and future ailments are prevented. Be sure to work with a veterinarian who is trained and experienced in homeopathy. Visit to find a veterinary homeopath in your region; if there isn’t one nearby, some vets will do phone consultations.

Selecting a homeopathic remedy (from over 4,000!) is based on each individual’s unique and different symptoms. They are not selected for the disease itself (e.g. IBD, pyoderma, etc.). Not every animal will have every symptom. Your dog or cat’s characteristic symptoms need to match the remedy, which is why it’s important to work with a professional who is knowledgeable in homeopathy. See the sidebar on page xx for three remedies that are often used, along with their associated signs.

The best results arise from selecting one remedy and evaluating the response. You can use the commonly available 30c (meaning it was diluted and energized 30 times), crush a few pellets, and gently put it on the tongue or gums. You can also put a few pellets in water, shake before each dose, then put a few drops in front of the animal’s mouth. Your professional homeopath will prescribe his/her preferred strengths (based on the general vitality of the animal) and methods of administration.

Track Two — Soothe current symptoms

Many holistic treatments, including homeopathy, can temporarily soothe symptoms while you and your vet work on building your pet’s health to permanently resolve the allergies. Here are just a few options:

  • Combination homeopathic remedies: Many companies combine several homeopathic remedies for a particular condition (e.g. itchy skin, diarrhea, sneezing). These combinations may temporarily help, but will not usually deeply cure the problem. If you opt to buy one of these products, be sure to tell your homeopathic vet, as it could complicate the treatments he/she is giving your dog or cat.
  • Local honey: Can be used topically as well as in the diet. Because the bees eat pollen that animals may react to, honey has been shown to decrease allergic reactions to those substances.
  • White rice: When super-overcooked, it can firm stools. It can be combined with cooked chicken for the same results.
  • Oatmeal water: Can decrease itching on the skin or in the ears, and ease diarrhea.
  • Flower essences: Can be used topically (dilute four drops in a few ounces of water), internally (either straight or diluted if the product is preserved with alcohol) or in the environment.

You can also choose from a growing range of natural topical treatments, digestive health supplements and herbal remedies to help ease allergy symptoms while working on the deeper cure. Again, tell your veterinarian if you are adding anything new to your dog or cat’s treatment regime.

How homeopathy views allergies

From a homeopathic point of view, healthy dogs and cats are not actually “allergic” to anything, or only to a very few things. In homeopathy, an underlying vibrational imbalance in the animal’s vital force (or Qi, quantum field, bio-force field), causes most of the health problems we call allergies. Each animal is born with a unique “field” that can be triggered to produce bodily symptoms. The more balanced the field, the less sensitive the dog or cat will be to different substances – including fleas, foods, dust mites, etc.

In homeopathy, an underlying vibrational imbalance in the animal’s vital force causes most of the health problems we call allergies.

The goal, therefore, is to improve your pet’s vitality and balance his energy field, which will in turn improve his immune system and decrease reactions to his triggers.

In homeopathy, the key to successfully and permanently healing allergies (regardless of the symptoms) is to find the homeopathic medicine that energetically matches that of the individual animal. This is best done by a thoroughly-trained homeopath. It is best to include additional holistic treatments for a fully-rounded approach.

The key to successfully and permanently healing allergies is to find the homeopathic medicine that energetically matches that of the individual animal.

3 homeopathic remedies for deeply healing allergies

1. Arsenicum album – The animal has been seeking heat since the onset of the allergy, is fastidious (spends a long time in the litter box, grooming, looks cleaner), becomes fearful or timid, is thirsty for small sips of water and is often worse from midnight to 4AM.

a) Diarrhea — offensive odor, often makes the anus raw, comes in small amounts, frequent urges

b) Skin problems

c) Respiratory issues – eye and nose discharge causes raw skin, can have some blood in it

2. Nux vomica – The naturally sweet animal becomes irritable, even to nipping or hiding, especially from noises.

a) Diarrhea — strong spasms when going; can alternate with constipation

b) Skin problems

c) Respiratory issues

3. Pulsatilla – The animal is very needy and clingy, becomes almost thirstless, and is better for cold and open air blowing on him.

a) Diarrhea — soft stools that pass easily and have little odor

b) Skin problems

c) Respiratory issues – discharges are bland, often yellowish or creamy

Allergic animals have a very good chance of being permanently cured when you build their total body health and consult with a professional homeopath. It takes time, though, so it’s important to also use remedies to soothe your dog or cat’s current discomfort. By taking this two-pronged approach, and working from a homeopathic perspective, you can help get rid of your pet’s allergies for good.

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