The Human-Animal Bond — Treating with Purpose

Every day our dogs are by our side through the many ups and downs of life. They are there for our most cherished memories like birthdays, graduations, reunions and the much-loved annual family road trip. They also see some of our hardest moments and through thick and thin they know how to put a smile […]

Unwanted behaviors and nutrition

Find out how certain dietary nutrients and calming supplements may curb aggression, anxiety and other unwanted behaviors in dogs. Did you know that nutrition plays a role in canine behavior? Aggression, anxiety, begging, destructiveness, excessive barking and house soiling are just a few of the unwanted behaviors dog parents sometimes contend with. Socialization and training […]

Why a keto diet is a good choice for your dog

A keto diet can offer multiple benefits to dogs, from weight loss to better skin health to improved cognitive function. It may even help with cancer. From You probably know someone who is on a keto diet, and might be wondering if it could have similar health benefits for your dog. Read on to […]

Shopping organic for your pet

If you’re like a lot of people, you probably have some questions about organic pet food. What does the term actually mean, and how can you be sure the food you’re buying for your dog or cat is really organic? Whenever possible, I try to buy organic, even though it means spending more money. Just […]

The importance of fiber in your dog’s diet

You know it’s important to have fiber in your own diet, but did you know it’s also essential for dogs and cats? When you think of food ingredients for your dog or cat, I’ll bet fiber isn’t the first that comes to mind. Yet it’s an important component of your animal’s diet. Supplementing with fiber […]

Extra-virgin olive oil for dogs

What’s the difference between extra-virgin olive oil, and plain olive oil? Does it matter which one I give my dog? Olive oils are graded according to their extraction process and on the acidity of the pressed oil. Extra-virgin olive oil is extracted from olives using pressure only, a process called cold pressing. “Extra-virgin olive oil […]

Chickpeas for dogs

These humble legumes pack a huge nutrient punch. Also called garbanzo beans, chickpeas are enjoying immense popularity for providing building blocks that omnivores cannot do without. Chickpeas serve up protein (vital to all aspects of development, including the immune system), lecithin (necessary for cell production) and potassium (essential to heart, muscle, nerve and kidney function). […]

Kale for dogs

Touted as a concentrated form of many nutrients, kale boasts leafy green leaves and stems that are great for your dog’s health! “Any vegetable that has a very deep color the way kale does…means there is a high concentration of nutrients, and that translates into a range of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the body,” […]

Parsnips for dogs

When we discover how healthy they are for us, we’ll want to serve these sweet, fragrant root vegetables more than just at holiday time. And we’ll want our pets to enjoy the benefits of eating parsnips more often, too. High in vitamins and minerals, parsnips contain lots of fiber, as well as antioxidants that provide […]

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