Feline diabetes

How diet and acupressure can help manage feline diabetes by supporting his digestion. Has your cat been diagnosed with diabetes? Don’t panic. Feline diabetes is more common than you think, but the good news is that it’s manageable. You may be wondering why your cat developed this disease. After all, he doesn’t snack on candy. […]

GERD in cats

Even cats can suffer from acid reflux or gastro esophageal disease (GERD). As I watched our cat Cici grooming her paw, I noticed something wasn’t right. She seemed to be pawing at her mouth rather than licking at her foot. Suddenly, she flicked her head and a string of saliva swished through the air. Then […]

Feline fitness — 10 ways to keep tabby trim

Don’t underestimate the importance of feline fitness! Cats are popular because they’re “easy” to care for. They don’t have to be walked or trained like a dog does. But that makes it easy to forget that they have the bodies of athletes, and they too need a daily feline fitness regime. They aren’t meant to […]

FeLV — it’s NOT a death sentence

If your kitty is diagnosed with feline leukemia (FeLV), you shouldn’t assume that it automatically points to a death sentence.  Athena, a fluffy black kitten born to a feral mother, captivated me and my husband when she first crossed our path. Because of her background, we had her tested for feline leukemia, though we considered […]

Preventing hairballs in cats

They’re more than just a mess for you to clean up. Excessive hairballs can signal a health problem or an inappropriate diet. Many cat parents accept hairballs as a normal part of life. It’s true that the occasional hairball may not be anything to worry about. But too many can signal a more serious health […]

New Year’s resolutions for a healthier cat

Making a few New Year’s resolutions to improve your cat’s lifestyle means you’ll both enjoy the benefits of a fresh start! Most of us make a few New Year’s resolutions — exercise more, lose weight, improve our eating habits. While our cats couldn’t care less if it’s a new year or not, we can also make […]

Immunocompromised and living with your cat

If you are immunocompromised, you have a higher chance of contracting infections from your cat, but that doesn’t mean you have to get rid of him! Here are 5 easy ways to minimize your risk. Millions of Americans have conditions that compromise their immune systems. They include diabetes, kidney failure, HIV, autoimmune disease, organ transplants and […]

Feline dental health made simple

Cats seem prone to problems with their teeth and gums. Here’s how to help prevent these painful dental conditions. Does your cat have bad breath? Are his teeth brown, and his gums red? Does he drool, paw at his mouth or have difficulty eating or chewing? Is you answered “yes” to these questions, you need […]

How acupuncture helped a senior cat walk again

An elderly cat with radial nerve damage in one leg makes a full recovery thanks to acupuncture. I discovered the healing benefits of acupuncture when one of our cats developed an injury that left her unable to use her right front leg. Kelly was one of our feral cats. She was TNR’d and spayed in […]

Feeding your cat to prevent dental issues

Periodontal disease is extremely common in cats, but the good news is that a healthy diet can help prevent it. Periodontal disease is one of the most prevalent dental issues in cats. It affects about 70% of cats over two years of age, and 85% of cats over five! Yet despite how incredibly common it […]

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