Omega fatty acids and how they boost pet health

Enrich your dog or cat’s well-being, inside and out, by serving up these recipes rich in Omega fatty acids. Omega fatty acids have been making health headlines for a while now, thanks to the many wellness benefits they offer both us and our companion animals. Understanding something about these fatty acids — the differences between […]

Superfoods from the sea – they’re good for dogs and cats!

From dulse to wakame, sea vegetables are packed with nutrition. Try these tasty and healthy recipes on your animal companion. Did you know that seaweeds are among the oldest forms of life on earth? They’re also regarded as superfoods, rich in nutrients, and make a healthy addition to your dog or cat’s diet as well […]

What is feline hyperesthesia?

Also called rippling skin syndrome, feline hyperesthesia is an unusual condition that affects cats. If you have a cat at home, you’re sharing your life with a very distinctive little creature. From their physiology, to their nutritional requirements, to their astonishing physical flexibility, felines are unique among mammal species. Another very unusual thing about cats […]

6 ways to calm a stressed cat

Some cats seem especially prone to getting stressed, and it can be challenging to find the cause. Cats get stressed much as we do. Indoor-only kitties, and those living in multi-cat households, are especially prone to stress, which can lead to problematic behaviors and even health issues. This article takes a look at what can cause […]

When you can’t pay your vet bills

Combine the high cost of veterinary care with an unstable economy weakened by the pandemic, and it’s not surprising that a lot of people are having a hard time paying their vet bills these days. Luckily, there’s help for those who qualify. Most of us have faced unexpected vet bills at one time or another. […]

Switching your cat to a raw diet?

Given how finicky felines can be, transitioning your kitty to a raw diet may seem overwhelming. It may take him a while to accept the new food, but patience and persistence will pay off. You’d like to switch your cat to a raw diet, but he’s so picky you feel it’ll be too much of […]

Goat milk – why it’s so good for your dog or cat

Easier to digest than cow’s milk, and packed with unique nutritional benefits, goat milk makes a healthy addition to your animal companion’s diet. Does your dog or cat get diarrhea when you give him milk? It’s not unusual. Many animals, especially cats, develop an intolerance for lactose during their adult lives, which can lead to […]

Does your cat have a food allergy — or a food intolerance?

They’re not one and the same. Understanding the difference between a food allergy and food intolerance is the first step to helping your cat back to health.  If your cat has a problem with a particular food, you probably assume he’s allergic to it. But that’s not necessarily the case. True food allergies are relatively […]

How a raw diet can prevent FLUTD in your cat

Lower urinary tract disease is one of the most common conditions affecting felines. Ridding your cat of FLUTD may be as simple as switching him to a raw diet. Most cats, at some point in their lives, develop lower urinary tract disease. From struvite crystals to urethral plugs, these problems are debilitating, costly to treat, […]

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