Immunocompromised and living with your cat

If you are immunocompromised, you have a higher chance of contracting infections from your cat, but that doesn’t mean you have to get rid of him! Here are 5 easy ways to minimize your risk. Millions of Americans have conditions that compromise their immune systems. They include diabetes, kidney failure, HIV, autoimmune disease, organ transplants and […]

Feline dental health made simple

Cats seem prone to problems with their teeth and gums. Here’s how to help prevent these painful dental conditions. Does your cat have bad breath? Are his teeth brown, and his gums red? Does he drool, paw at his mouth or have difficulty eating or chewing? Is you answered “yes” to these questions, you need […]

Supporting your cat’s kidneys with acupressure

Regarded as “The Root of Life” in Chinese medicine, the kidneys are vital to your cat’s health and survival. These acupressure sessions can help support and vitalize her kidney function. Kidney disorders are very common in cats, especially as they get older. Fortunately, you can take steps to not only help prevent these problems from […]

Can cats get COVID-19?

It’s true that cats can contract COVID-19. Let’s look at how, and what you can do to protect your own feline companion. When I wrote my first article about cats and COVID-19 back in March of 2020, there were no confirmed cases. Since then, a number of felines, including large cats in zoos as well […]

Is your dog affected by household allergens?

Fleas and certain foods aren’t the only things that can give your dog allergies. Indoor and outdoor household allergens, found in everything from cleaning products to lawn fertilizers, may also be to blame.  Your dog seems to be scratching more than usual. Chances are, he’s allergic to something. Fleas or a certain food in his […]

How herbs can improve your animal’s joint health

Herbs go deeper than NSAIDs when it comes to alleviating the inflammation at the root of arthritis and other joint problems – and without the side effects. Aches, pains, arthritis and reduced range of motion are common in older dogs and cats. After many trips to the veterinarian, often resulting in various pain medications, these […]

Top pet food ingredients to avoid

From by-products to soy to rendered fats – here are some ingredients to steer clear of when buying pet food for your dog or cat. Educating yourself about healthy nutrition for your dog and cat may seem daunting, but it doesn’t need to be. One of the best ways to begin is learning how to […]

Vaccinating your adult dog or cat: what you need to consider

Rather than having your adult dog or cat vaccinated every year, consider these important factors and make an informed decision that will optimize his health and well-being. We’ve been hearing a lot over the past decade or so about the risks associated with over-vaccination in dogs and cats. A growing number of animals parents now […]

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