10 most common medical conditions in dogs and cats

From allergies to thyroid problems…take a look at the most common medical conditions veterinarians see in their dog and cat patients. When you take your dog or cat to the vet for allergies, a bladder infection, or dental disease, rest assured that the doctor probably has a lot of experience dealing with these issues. Why? […]

When you can’t pay your vet bills

Combine the high cost of veterinary care with an unstable economy weakened by the pandemic, and it’s not surprising that a lot of people are having a hard time paying their vet bills these days. Luckily, there’s help for those who qualify. Most of us have faced unexpected vet bills at one time or another. […]

Does your kitty know his name?

A new study suggests that our feline friends recognize their names. When I call my cat, Cici, I generally follow it up with the rustle of a treat bag or a whistle, because I’m not sure if she knows or understands her name. Have you ever wondered the same thing about your own feline friend? […]

4 top nutrients every animal needs

No matter what type of food you feed your dog or cat, these few specific supplements will give him important nutrients and improve his diet. Many people, including veterinarians, believe that processed commercial pet foods have all the nutrients dogs and cats need for good health. As they begin to realize that excessive processing destroys […]

New Year’s resolutions for a healthier cat

Making a few New Year’s resolutions to improve your cat’s lifestyle means you’ll both enjoy the benefits of a fresh start! Most of us make a few New Year’s resolutions — exercise more, lose weight, improve our eating habits. While our cats couldn’t care less if it’s a new year or not, we can also make […]

Supporting your cat’s kidneys with acupressure

Regarded as “The Root of Life” in Chinese medicine, the kidneys are vital to your cat’s health and survival. These acupressure sessions can help support and vitalize her kidney function. Kidney disorders are very common in cats, especially as they get older. Fortunately, you can take steps to not only help prevent these problems from […]

Can cats get COVID-19?

It’s true that cats can contract COVID-19. Let’s look at how, and what you can do to protect your own feline companion. When I wrote my first article about cats and COVID-19 back in March of 2020, there were no confirmed cases. Since then, a number of felines, including large cats in zoos as well […]

Home appliances and your animal – how to keep him safe

To your dog or cat, especially if he’s a youngster, home appliances aren’t just household items – they’re interesting objects to explore, climb, play with – and potentially get injured by. Putting some simple precautions in place will ensure he stays safe. Is that a clothes dryer or a cozy place for a nap? A […]

The best dental products for cats

Taking care of your cat’s teeth and gums is an important part of his health regime. These dental products and tips can help make the job easier. Periodontal disease is one of the most common health problems in cats. Because it causes a lot of pain and discomfort, and can impact a cat’s overall well-being, […]

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