6 flower essences for stressed cats

Flower essences are a safe and effective way to calm and balance nervous or fearful kitties. Anyone who’s familiar with cats knows they’re sensitive creatures. They can be easily stressed and upset by even minor changes in their daily routines. From house guests to home renovations, many things can throw your cat for a loop […]

Animal Reiki — attracting more attention as a healing modality

Once dismissed as bogus, Reiki is being brought into shelters, veterinary clinics and other animal facilities as an effective way to enhance healing and well-being in dogs and cats. Gone are the days when we naively believed there was a “pill for every ill”, and when veterinary medicine was primarily reactionary. Now, both dog and […]

Choosing the right cat toys

Cats need to play as much as dogs do. Help keep your feline happy and healthy by selecting cat toys that satisfy her natural instincts and encourage her to exercise. Cats have a reputation for being low maintenance. Unfortunately, this gives many people the mistaken belief that cats don’t need as much attention as dogs […]

The declawing ban – its time has come!

From whole countries to individual cities, a growing number of regions around the world are banning declawing. Declawing is a hot topic in feline health. This inhumane and unnecessary surgical procedure leaves cats with negative long-term physical and behavioral issues. Unfortunately, many people still opt to declaw their cats to prevent destructive scratching. But lately, […]

Improving indoor air quality for your animal

You might think the air inside your home is fine, but airborne pathogens and other toxins may be having an impact on your dog or cat’s health. Find out what these invisible bad guys are and how your can improve your indoor air quality. What’s in the air your dog or cat breathes? Believe it […]

Should I call the vet?

How to determine when your dog or cat needs to see a vet right away, and when it’s okay to “wait and see”. Your dog has a sudden case of diarrhea. Is it okay to let it run its course? Or perhaps your cat got a nasty scratch from another kitty. Should you take care […]

Take the stress out of bathing your cat

Giving your cat a bath doesn’t have to be a headache. Following these simple steps will help things go smoothly and calmly. As a rule, bathing a cat is no fun – for you or the cat. Our feline companions are notorious for their dislike of water, and for fighting their way out of baths […]

6 hidden household toxins – protecting your pet

Minimizing your dog or cat’s exposure to harmful chemicals involves more than switching to non-toxic cleaners. Check out these six hidden household toxins, and what you can do about them. One of the most important ways to help ensure your dog or cat enjoys a long and healthy life is to minimize his exposure to […]

The best dental products for cats

Taking care of your cat’s teeth and gums is an important part of his health regime. These dental products and tips can help make the job easier. Periodontal disease is one of the most common health problems in cats. Because it causes a lot of pain and discomfort, and can impact a cat’s overall well-being, […]

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