How vaping impacts your dog or cat

Many people assume vaping is a harmless habit that emits nothing but water vapor. But the “e-juice” in vape pens contains chemicals that pose a danger to the people – and animals – who are exposed to it. Chances are, you know at least one person who vapes. This trend has taken off in the […]

Preventing cancer in our pets – is it possible?

While no one can predict which dogs or cats will develop cancer, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk. Cancer rates in dogs and cats are rapidly increasing, much to the dismay of animal parents everywhere. One in three cats and 1.65 of every two dogs are estimated to develop cancer; half […]

Way to go, Waffles!

Labeled “ugly” as a kitten, this little Scottish Fold boy had a hard time finding a home – until he met the right person. Now he’s known the world over, has millions of fans, and even a cameo in a new movie! With his big bright eyes, endearingly folded ears and pristine white-and-marmalade coat, Waffles […]

Feeding your cat to prevent dental issues

Periodontal disease is extremely common in cats, but the good news is that a healthy diet can help prevent it. Periodontal disease is one of the most prevalent dental issues in cats. It affects about 70% of cats over two years of age, and 85% of cats over five! Yet despite how incredibly common it […]

Keep your kitty’s eyes healthy

A variety of eye problems can affect cats. Know what a healthy feline eye looks like, and how to recognize any red flags that require veterinary attention. It’s said that the eyes are the window to the soul, and I think this is especially true when it comes to our cats. Gaze into your own […]

How cannabis benefits dogs and cats with cancer

Hemp-derived CBD may help treat cancer in dogs and cats, while easing symptoms and treatment side effects. The cannabis industry is exploding in both the US and Canada. It’s not surprising, since people and companion animals alike are being helped thanks to the therapeutic effects of the cannabis plant. In this article, I will outline […]

Adopting a kitten into a senior cat household

Cats can get set in their ways. And the older they are, the truer this becomes. If you have an older cat, and are considering adopting a kitten to add to the household, you need to make sure you know what you’re doing so you don’t end up with two stressed-out felines that can’t get […]

Bolt and Keel – adventure cats

Exploring the great outdoors comes naturally to these two intrepid kitties, whose wilderness trips with their humans have made them two of social media’s most popular felines. Given the choice between staying comfortably at home or embarking on a wilderness adventure with their people, most cats would much prefer the homebody option. But Bolt and […]

Can a keto diet help dogs and cats with cancer?

Cancer is not only a genetic or inflammatory disease – it’s also a metabolic disease. A keto diet can starve cancer cells by targeting the metabolic characteristics of this dreaded disease. Q: We’re hearing a lot about keto diets and their health benefits these days. What exactly is a ketogenic diet, and is there anything […]

Acupuncture has many applications for cats

This ancient healing modality can effectively address a wide range of health conditions in felines. Acupuncture is one of the fastest-growing complementary therapies practiced on cats, and the number of veterinarians seeking training in this modality continues to increase. Acupuncture is generally well tolerated by cats, and can be used to help treat a whole […]

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