Feline fitness — 10 ways to keep tabby trim

Don’t underestimate the importance of feline fitness! Cats are popular because they’re “easy” to care for. They don’t have to be walked or trained like a dog does. But that makes it easy to forget that they have the bodies of athletes, and they too need a daily feline fitness regime. They aren’t meant to […]

Letting your cat explore the outdoors

From harnesses to strollers to enclosures, there are several hazard-free ways for your cat to enjoy the great outdoors. The mantra today is that cats should be kept indoors, although letting them wander through the garden is common practice in England and Europe. There’s something pleasant about watching a cat stroll through grass, sniffing the […]

Nail care for dogs and cats

Clipping your dog or cat’s nails isn’t just about protecting your furniture or floors. It’s also important for his health and comfort. Most people cut their dog or cat’s nails because they want to prevent their hardwood floors from getting scratched, or their sofas from being shredded. But regular nail maintenance does a lot more […]

Does your cat have litter allergies?

With the ever-expanding variety of cat litter on the market, it’s possible your cat may be allergic to some of them. Learn what to watch for, and what to do about it. Cat litter has come a long way since it was first invented in 1947. For decades, people relied on variations of a granular […]

Immunocompromised and living with your cat

If you are immunocompromised, you have a higher chance of contracting infections from your cat, but that doesn’t mean you have to get rid of him! Here are 5 easy ways to minimize your risk. Millions of Americans have conditions that compromise their immune systems. They include diabetes, kidney failure, HIV, autoimmune disease, organ transplants and […]

Venus…she was “born this way”!

Her bi-colored face attracts attention wherever she goes. Venus is now world-famous, and this laid-back kitty with the loving personality is helping to promote animal rescue. When they first see a photo of Venus the cat, many people assume the image has been Photoshopped, or that someone has dyed half her face black. They’re wrong on […]

Does your animal need allergy testing?

Most allergic dogs and cats respond well to a holistic or integrative treatment approach, but some don’t. In these cases, allergy testing and hyposensitization may be the answer. Q: My dog has allergies and keeps itching and scratching even though I’ve tried a variety of both conventional and holistic treatments. What’s the next step to […]

Nix your pet’s allergies with adaptogens and alteratives

Keep your allergic dog or cat itch-free with adaptogens and alteratives, two groups of herbs with specific healing properties. Allergies are hard on your dog or cat’s immune system. That’s because allergies are a chronic disease, which means his immune system never gets a break.  Because I am primarily an herbalist, I prevent allergies in […]

Outdoor Cats Debate — Part I

Addressing problems caused by feral, stray and free-roaming felines – and finding solutions that benefit both cats and communities. Over the past few years, we have live-trapped several free-roaming cats on our suburban property. None had any ID so we had no way of knowing if they had homes and were lost, or were simply […]

How To Pick Up & Hold A Cat

Did you know there is a better way to pick up and hold a cat? Picking up your cat is something you do everyday without giving it a second thought. You come home after a long day of work to be greeted with a gentle purr and a tail flick and you immediately bend down and pick up […]

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