6 flower essences for stressed cats

Flower essences are a safe and effective way to calm and balance nervous or fearful kitties. Anyone who’s familiar with cats knows they’re sensitive creatures. They can be easily stressed and upset by even minor changes in their daily routines. From house guests to home renovations, many things can throw your cat for a loop […]

Treating ear mites in cats

Ear mites are a common feline problem that can make your cat miserable. Check out these effective treatment options. Abby recently adopted a young cat from her local shelter. He was in good health except he was constantly scratching his ears and shaking his head. “I noticed they had this dark stuff inside them,” Abby […]

Getting the right diagnosis for your pet

As in human medicine, health problems in dogs and cats are sometimes missed or diagnosed incorrectly. Arriving at a correct diagnosis involves good teamwork from you and your vet. As a holistic veterinarian, I spend a lot of time trying to help clients who are seeking a second (or even third or fourth!) opinion about […]

The declawing ban – its time has come!

From whole countries to individual cities, a growing number of regions around the world are banning declawing. Declawing is a hot topic in feline health. This inhumane and unnecessary surgical procedure leaves cats with negative long-term physical and behavioral issues. Unfortunately, many people still opt to declaw their cats to prevent destructive scratching. But lately, […]

Camping with cats

Have you ever considered taking your cat with you on a camping trip? It might be easier than you think, and she will love the experience. Believe it or not, I have taken my cats camping with me since 2001. Granted, I rescued both of them as campground strays. Tina came to us wounded. We […]

Is your cat over-grooming?

Cats spend a lot of time grooming, but if they start showing bald patches, it could signal a behavioral problem called psychogenic alopecia — otherwise known as over-grooming. your cat next time she’s grooming. She closes her eyes as she slowly licks her legs, sides and tail, and uses her paw to wash her face. […]

Take the stress out of bathing your cat

Giving your cat a bath doesn’t have to be a headache. Following these simple steps will help things go smoothly and calmly. As a rule, bathing a cat is no fun – for you or the cat. Our feline companions are notorious for their dislike of water, and for fighting their way out of baths […]

How pet insurance is improving the lives of dogs and cats

Pet insurance gives companion animals access to a wider variety of diagnostic and treatment options that might not otherwise be affordable to their families. The results are better health and longevity in thousands of dogs and cats. When you adopt a dog or cat, you probably factor the cost of routine veterinary care into your […]

Black Cat Rescue

Dark-coated kitties have a harder time getting adopted than their more colorful cousins, but Black Cat Rescue is changing that. When Jennifer Stott and Samantha McDuffee adopted a black cat, they were surprised to learn that dark-coated felines are much harder to find homes for than kitties of other colors. “And when cats are not […]

Feline homing instincts

Many lost or relocated cats are able to find their way home again, even over vast distances using their homing instincts. Feline behavior is often mysterious, misunderstood, and even miraculous. One of the most intriguing characteristics of cats is their ability to find their way home across vast distances. These homing instincts are well studied […]

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