Shopping organic for your pet

If you’re like a lot of people, you probably have some questions about organic pet food. What does the term actually mean, and how can you be sure the food you’re buying for your dog or cat is really organic? Whenever possible, I try to buy organic, even though it means spending more money. Just […]

Can my cat get mercury poisoning from fish?

While mercury in fish and shellfish is a widespread problem, it doesn’t mean you have to eliminate it entirely from your cat’s diet. Here’s what you should know about mercury poisoning, and how to prevent it. Mercury poisoning is a big issue, especially when it comes to fish and shellfish. In humans, symptoms of methylmercury […]

Cat grass 101

Learn why quality and variety make all the difference when feeding cat grass to your feline companion. Cats are carnivores, but they also benefit from fresh greens. Cat grass is one way to go, but not all grasses are equal. It’s important to buy a premium product that will provide your kitty with the right […]

Feline diabetes

How diet and acupressure can help manage feline diabetes by supporting his digestion. Has your cat been diagnosed with diabetes? Don’t panic. Feline diabetes is more common than you think, but the good news is that it’s manageable. You may be wondering why your cat developed this disease. After all, he doesn’t snack on candy. […]

GERD in cats

Even cats can suffer from acid reflux or gastro esophageal disease (GERD). As I watched our cat Cici grooming her paw, I noticed something wasn’t right. She seemed to be pawing at her mouth rather than licking at her foot. Suddenly, she flicked her head and a string of saliva swished through the air. Then […]

Is your cat a picky eater?

Along with a check-up and the right diet, this easy acupressure session can help turn around your picky eater. If your cat is a picky eater, she’s not alone. Cats are often labeled “finicky eaters”. There are several reasons for this – and several things you can do to help correct it. To start with, your […]

4 top nutrients every animal needs

No matter what type of food you feed your dog or cat, these few specific supplements will give him important nutrients and improve his diet. Many people, including veterinarians, believe that processed commercial pet foods have all the nutrients dogs and cats need for good health. As they begin to realize that excessive processing destroys […]

New Year’s resolutions for a healthier cat

Making a few New Year’s resolutions to improve your cat’s lifestyle means you’ll both enjoy the benefits of a fresh start! Most of us make a few New Year’s resolutions — exercise more, lose weight, improve our eating habits. While our cats couldn’t care less if it’s a new year or not, we can also make […]

Immunocompromised and living with your cat

If you are immunocompromised, you have a higher chance of contracting infections from your cat, but that doesn’t mean you have to get rid of him! Here are 5 easy ways to minimize your risk. Millions of Americans have conditions that compromise their immune systems. They include diabetes, kidney failure, HIV, autoimmune disease, organ transplants and […]

Feline dental health made simple

Cats seem prone to problems with their teeth and gums. Here’s how to help prevent these painful dental conditions. Does your cat have bad breath? Are his teeth brown, and his gums red? Does he drool, paw at his mouth or have difficulty eating or chewing? Is you answered “yes” to these questions, you need […]

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