Black Cat Rescue

Dark-coated kitties have a harder time getting adopted than their more colorful cousins, but Black Cat Rescue is changing that. When Jennifer Stott and Samantha McDuffee adopted a black cat, they were surprised to learn that dark-coated felines are much harder to find homes for than kitties of other colors. “And when cats are not […]

Feline homing instincts

Many lost or relocated cats are able to find their way home again, even over vast distances using their homing instincts. Feline behavior is often mysterious, misunderstood, and even miraculous. One of the most intriguing characteristics of cats is their ability to find their way home across vast distances. These homing instincts are well studied […]

Looking for the best litter box?

From basic plastic trays to high-tech automated models, there’s lots to choose from when it comes to a litter box. A cat’s refusal to use the litter box can be a big headache. Sometimes the problem is medical, which means a trip to the vet is in order to rule out physical illness. Other times, […]

Monty — rare as a diamond

Born without a nasal bone, Monty is an affectionate and sociable kitty who is showing the world that appearances don’t matter. With his widely-spaced eyes and unusual nose, Monty is no ordinary cat. But appearances aren’t everything. Despite his distinctive looks, this adorable little feline has a heart overflowing with love and curiosity, according to […]

Nala the “undercat”

This gorgeous “undercat” named Nala is an internet star and poster child for shelter adoption. There’s something arresting about Nala’s eyes. Perhaps it’s because they’re such a clear beautiful blue, or contrast so nicely with her silvery facial markings. Maybe it’s because she has such a direct, appealing gaze. Whatever the reason, those eyes have […]

GERD in cats

Even cats can suffer from acid reflux or gastro esophageal disease (GERD). As I watched our cat Cici grooming her paw, I noticed something wasn’t right. She seemed to be pawing at her mouth rather than licking at her foot. Suddenly, she flicked her head and a string of saliva swished through the air. Then […]

Feline fitness — 10 ways to keep tabby trim

Don’t underestimate the importance of feline fitness! Cats are popular because they’re “easy” to care for. They don’t have to be walked or trained like a dog does. But that makes it easy to forget that they have the bodies of athletes, and they too need a daily feline fitness regime. They aren’t meant to […]

Letting your cat explore the outdoors

From harnesses to strollers to enclosures, there are several hazard-free ways for your cat to enjoy the great outdoors. The mantra today is that cats should be kept indoors, although letting them wander through the garden is common practice in England and Europe. There’s something pleasant about watching a cat stroll through grass, sniffing the […]

Immunocompromised and living with your cat

If you are immunocompromised, you have a higher chance of contracting infections from your cat, but that doesn’t mean you have to get rid of him! Here are 5 easy ways to minimize your risk. Millions of Americans have conditions that compromise their immune systems. They include diabetes, kidney failure, HIV, autoimmune disease, organ transplants and […]

Venus…she was “born this way”!

Her bi-colored face attracts attention wherever she goes. Venus is now world-famous, and this laid-back kitty with the loving personality is helping to promote animal rescue. When they first see a photo of Venus the cat, many people assume the image has been Photoshopped, or that someone has dyed half her face black. They’re wrong on […]

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