How vaping impacts your dog or cat

Many people assume vaping is a harmless habit that emits nothing but water vapor. But the “e-juice” in vape pens contains chemicals that pose a danger to the people – and animals – who are exposed to it. Chances are, you know at least one person who vapes. This trend has taken off in the […]

Preventing cancer in our pets – is it possible?

While no one can predict which dogs or cats will develop cancer, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk. Cancer rates in dogs and cats are rapidly increasing, much to the dismay of animal parents everywhere. One in three cats and 1.65 of every two dogs are estimated to develop cancer; half […]

How cannabis benefits dogs and cats with cancer

Hemp-derived CBD may help treat cancer in dogs and cats, while easing symptoms and treatment side effects. The cannabis industry is exploding in both the US and Canada. It’s not surprising, since people and companion animals alike are being helped thanks to the therapeutic effects of the cannabis plant. In this article, I will outline […]

Can a keto diet help dogs and cats with cancer?

Cancer is not only a genetic or inflammatory disease – it’s also a metabolic disease. A keto diet can starve cancer cells by targeting the metabolic characteristics of this dreaded disease. Q: We’re hearing a lot about keto diets and their health benefits these days. What exactly is a ketogenic diet, and is there anything […]

Cancer tests for dogs and cats

An early diagnosis can mean the difference between life and death for animal cancer patients. Learn how a blood profile and ultrasound can help catch signs of inflammation or malignancy before your dog or cat gets sick.  It seems hardly a day goes by that I’m not asked to consult on a cancer case. Clients […]

CBD may help manage pain in pets

Arthritis and chronic pain afflict many dogs and cats, especially as they get older. CBD could become an important tool for managing their discomfort. As dogs and cats age, arthritis and other problems can cause them a lot of discomfort and erode their quality of life. CBD is showing promise as a way to manage […]

5 myths about “lumps and bumps” on our pets

Lumps and bumps are common on dogs and cats, and a lot of misinformation surrounds them. Let’s bust five myths about these abnormalities so you know how to proceed when or if you find one on your own animal. Q: My dog has a couple unusual lumps on his side. My vet says it’s probably […]

Vitamin D – is your dog or cat getting enough?

Unlike us, dogs and cats can’t get their vitamin D from spending time in the sunshine. So it’s a good idea to have your furry friend tested to see whether or not he needs a supplement. Many people take vitamin D supplements, and for good reason. low levels of this vitamin are associated with a […]

Top approaches to animal osteoarthritis

From nutrition and weight management to acupuncture and stem cell therapy, integrative and holistic treatments for osteoarthritis in dogs and cats are effectively reducing pain, improving mobility and enhancing quality of life. Normal pain-free mobility is as important to your dog or cat’s enjoyment of life as it is to your own. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis, with […]

Prioritize quality when considering CBD pet supplements

When it comes to buying CBD supplements for your animal companion, quality is one of the most important considerations. Here’s what to look for — and avoid. Cannabidiol (CBD) is the hottest topic in pet health today. Many animal parents who have used CBD themselves are now choosing it for their dogs and cats in […]

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