How Homeopathy can help treat seizures in pets

Unlike conventional medications, which only control seizure symptoms in dogs and cats, homeopathy offers the possibility of a genuine cure in the majority of cases. Having your dog or cat diagnosed with a seizure disorder can be scary. What are the treatment options? Will he have to be on drugs for the rest of his […]

Getting the right diagnosis for your pet

As in human medicine, health problems in dogs and cats are sometimes missed or diagnosed incorrectly. Arriving at a correct diagnosis involves good teamwork from you and your vet. As a holistic veterinarian, I spend a lot of time trying to help clients who are seeking a second (or even third or fourth!) opinion about […]

When integrative veterinary medicine is the optimal choice

There are times when a combination of holistic and conventional therapies is the best way to treat a dog or cat’s health problems. Let’s look at three conditions for which an integrative approach really shines. Different veterinarians use different treatment approaches depending on their training and clinical experiences. Some offer only conventional therapies such as […]

How pet insurance is improving the lives of dogs and cats

Pet insurance gives companion animals access to a wider variety of diagnostic and treatment options that might not otherwise be affordable to their families. The results are better health and longevity in thousands of dogs and cats. When you adopt a dog or cat, you probably factor the cost of routine veterinary care into your […]

6 hidden household toxins – protecting your pet

Minimizing your dog or cat’s exposure to harmful chemicals involves more than switching to non-toxic cleaners. Check out these six hidden household toxins, and what you can do about them. One of the most important ways to help ensure your dog or cat enjoys a long and healthy life is to minimize his exposure to […]

Nix those ticks with SonicGuard

Looking for a chemical-free way to protect your pets from ticks and fleas? Reach for SonicGuard — an ultrasonic prevention method! Ticks have become a huge problem in recent years. They’re spreading everywhere, and they can carry some scary illnesses, such as Lyme disease, that affect pets as well as people. Finding effective, affordable, non-toxic […]

Could your pet’s diet be affecting his heart health?

Ongoing research is shedding light on the potential link between diet and heart disease in pets. Here’s what we know, and why you should stay informed. Heart disease affects 10-15% of all dogs and cats, with a higher percentage in some breeds, including Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Doberman Pinschers, and Boxers. Over the past several […]

Nail care for dogs and cats

Clipping your dog or cat’s nails isn’t just about protecting your furniture or floors. It’s also important for his health and comfort. Most people cut their dog or cat’s nails because they want to prevent their hardwood floors from getting scratched, or their sofas from being shredded. But regular nail maintenance does a lot more […]

Does your animal need allergy testing?

Most allergic dogs and cats respond well to a holistic or integrative treatment approach, but some don’t. In these cases, allergy testing and hyposensitization may be the answer. Q: My dog has allergies and keeps itching and scratching even though I’ve tried a variety of both conventional and holistic treatments. What’s the next step to […]

Nix your pet’s allergies with adaptogens and alteratives

Keep your allergic dog or cat itch-free with adaptogens and alteratives, two groups of herbs with specific healing properties. Allergies are hard on your dog or cat’s immune system. That’s because allergies are a chronic disease, which means his immune system never gets a break.  Because I am primarily an herbalist, I prevent allergies in […]

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