Tibetan singing bowl therapy

If you’ve never heard Tibetan singing bowls, you’re in for a treat, and so is your dog or cat. This unique modality uses sound therapy to help heal and calm. Sound can have a profound impact on our well-being, and that of our dogs and cats. Play some calming music or gentle nature sounds and […]

Understanding holistic cancer care for dogs and cats

This 3-pronged approach to holistic cancer care for pets covers all the bases – it helps the immune system do its job, employs anti-cancer therapies, and supports the whole body with nutrition and supplements. Modern medicine has made many advances in treating cancer over the years, yet remission rates aren’t getting much better. And that […]

Vestibular disease – when your pet is off balance

Dizziness, falling, lack of coordination, a tilting head…these are all symptoms of vestibular syndrome in dogs and cats. It looks scary, but depending on the cause, the prognosis is promising. What would you think if your dog or cat developed a sudden head tilt, seemed uncoordinated and had trouble controlling his facial muscles? You might […]

Noni – a tropical fruit that’s good for dogs and cats

Exotic Fruit – Noni on white background Noni has great potential for the treatment and possible prevention of many diseases in pets. Noni fruit is nothing short of amazing. It’s been in use for centuries across the Pacific region, not just for food but for its health benefits as well. Noni is reported to have […]

Spot-on flea and tick preventives

Spot-on flea and tick products are hazardous to your dog or cat’s health. Here’s what you need to know about them – and about the more natural, non-toxic alternatives you can turn to instead. Many people regularly apply spot-on flea and tick preventives to their dogs and cats. Even those whose animals have little to […]

Natural solutions for pet pests

Fleas, ticks, heartworms, mosquitoes – warmer weather means these pests will be looking for a piece of your dog or cat. Some can cause serious illness, never mind itching and irritation, so take steps to protect him, the natural way.   Over the last 35 years of being an integrative veterinarian, I have developed a […]

High dose vitamin C therapy for pets – part 2

A look at why high doses of vitamin C are given intravenously, and how it can help with cancer and other health problems in dogs and cats. In Part 1 of this article, we looked at the development and benefits of high dose vitamin C therapy. Now we’ll cover approaches to therapy and look at […]

Can chiropractic care make your pet happier?

Certain misalignments in your dog or cat’s spine cause nervous system changes that can impact his emotional well-being. By correcting the structural issues, chiropractic adjustments mean a calmer, happier animal. Chiropractic care has many physical benefits for pets – but it also has emotional benefits that can make him happier as well as healthier. Certain […]

A nutritional approach to your pet’s skin problems

Following these 7 nutritional guidelines can significantly reduce your dog or cat’s skin problems. Switching a dog or cat with skin problems to a fresh food diet often brings about an improvement in itchiness. We have seen some skin cases clear up completely thanks to dietary changes. This article will give you some nutritional guidelines […]

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