How reiki helps heal shelter animals

Dogs and cats often arrive at shelters in a rough state, due to neglect, abuse or abandonment. Reiki is a calming, non-invasive healing modality that can help ease their fears and anxieties and even support veterinary care. “Just for today, I’ll be kind to all living beings.” This is one of the five principles of […]

Top basic supplements for dogs and cats

The market is awash in pet supplements, so if you’re having a hard time figuring out what your dog or cat really needs, it’s not surprising. Here’s an overview of the top basic supplements every dog or cat should have. The foundation of any health care program for dogs and cats, regardless of age and […]

Top basic supplements for dogs and cats

The market is awash in pet supplements, so if you’re having a hard time figuring out what your dog or cat really needs, it’s not surprising. Here’s an overview of the top basic supplements every dog or cat should have. The foundation of any health care program for dogs and cats, regardless of age and […]

How Epigenetics Can Improve Your Dog or Cat’s Health

Epigenetics is a new science that demonstrates a link between the lifestyle choices you make for your dog or cat (and yourself!), and how her genes express themselves. Do you ever wonder why puppies or kittens from the same litter end up with different health issues and lifespans? Why would similar gene combinations produce such […]

Could Your Dog’s Bowl Make Him Sick?

No matter how clean they look, your dog’s food and water bowls may harbor bacteria that can make him sick. Along with daily washing, choosing the right type of bowl helps minimize the risk. If your dog is like most, he probably licks his bowl clean after every meal. But that doesn’t mean it is […]

Could Your Dog’s Bowl Make Him Sick?

No matter how clean they look, your dog’s food and water bowls may harbor bacteria that can make him sick. Along with daily washing, choosing the right type of bowl helps minimize the risk. If your dog is like most, he probably licks his bowl clean after every meal. But that doesn’t mean it is […]

Pet services galore!

From mobile groomers to animal photographers, there are all kinds of pet service providers and professionals out there. In fact, pet services of all types are a hot trend these days. Let’s take a look! In an ever-evolving world, the pet industry is no stranger to innovation. One of the hottest trends is the ever-expanding […]

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