NAET — a breakthrough approach to allergies in dogs and cats


Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) is an energy medicine modality that uses techniques such as MRT and acupressure to get to the root of your dog or cat’s allergies.

Most people believe that allergies in humans, dogs and cats are limited to a group of symptoms such as runny eyes, sneezing or itchy skin. However, our knowledge of the energetic nature of allergies is growing, and more health professionals are realizing that an “allergic” factor might be associated with most illnesses and disorders. NAET is an example of an energy-medicine solution to allergic conditions in both humans and animals. This article looks at what NAET is, how it works, and how it can be applied to help solve allergic problems in dogs and cats.


NAET is an acronym for Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique. Combining Chinese medicine principles applied through kinesiology and acupressure, NAET was developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad, Lac, DC, PhD, who has spent years studying the effect of this technique on thousands of human patients. NAET involves using Muscle Response Testing (MRT) to confirm the presence of allergic reactivity. Once the allergy is identified, acupressure and/or acupuncture are used to eliminate it by reprogramming the body’s response to future contact.


The central nervous system can instantly identify the presence of substances that create blockages in an energy pathway, and perceive them as harmful to the body (i.e. an allergic reaction). This is why a muscle test will produce weakness when the patient (or human surrogate in the case of an animal) is holding a sample of the substance that produced the energy blockage. In other words, the purpose of MRT is not to determine the power any isolated muscle can produce, but to evaluate how the nervous system influences muscle function in the presence of an irritant. This is the core of NAET’s diagnostic component — to identify and isolate, through MRT, the substances that disrupt energy flow.


In Veterinary NAET, the priority of treatment is defined by the animal’s condition. In most cases, an animal will present to the veterinarian in an acute state. It is essential that the acute condition be addressed not just with NAET, but also with additional supportive care such as antibiotics, steroids, acupuncture, homeopathy, etc. Once the animal is stable, NAET can be used to clear acquired or constitutional (chronic) allergies. As such, NAET is not an “all or none” therapy. It is an extra tool that helps us help the animal.

NAETThe NAET treatment phase in an animal consists of stimulating the spinal nerves of the human surrogate. While maintaining contact with the animal and the identified allergen, acupressure is applied to specific acupoints along the surrogate’s spine. This activates all the spinal nerves, thereby triggering the nervous system into a fresh recognition of the perceived allergen. This is an actual reprogramming of the nervous system to recognize the allergen in a new way — not as an irritant and “bad”, but as a newly neutral substance. The body then experiences a state of balance in the presence of the allergen, and is non-reactive.

Hint: Sound confusing? Think of the brain as a computer, and the acupuncture points along the spine as the keys on the keyboard. The allergen, let’s say a vaccine vial, is our flash drive. When the computer program is not running right, we plug in the flash drive, type on the keys and “reprogram” the computer. Thus the “bad program”, the vaccine, is no longer affecting proper computer function.

Animal patients will rarely achieve resolution in a single NAET treatment, although even one treatment can produce astounding results, especially in acute conditions or in the very young. Depending on the severity and duration of the illness, and the age of the animal, multiple treatments may be required over a period of weeks.


Because emotions can create energy blockages, and therefore cause imbalance, NAET can be used to treat emotions as if they are allergies. By using MRT to identify emotional imbalances, and following the basic treatment protocol, it is possible to address and resolve behavioral issues such as inappropriate urination, antisocial behavior and aggression, as well as inter-family dynamics and adaptation to changes such as loss and grief.

NAETWhen I went to learn NAET some 20 years ago, I admit I had a hard time believing it would work. But the proof is in what the animals always teach me… there is another way to help if you open your mind and look for it.


1)Daisy, a West Highland White Terrier, presented at age two with severe skin issues, including atopic allergy, superficial recurrent pyoderma (bacterial infections), and chronic yeast on the skin and ears. Various conventional treatments had been tried, including antibiotics, shampoos, and anti-yeast medications. She was on a hydrolyzed protein prescription food.

MRT indicated both underlying food allergies as well as environmental allergies. Daisy had also become “allergic” to the yeast that was infecting her, and it was determined that she had an intolerance to the hydrolyzed protein food.

Using MRT, we were able to find foods she was not allergic to — pork and whitefish. We then used NAET to desensitize Daisy to the yeast, and compared three different Chinese herbal formulas for “damp” conditions to match the optimal herb to her body’s energy.

Daisy was continued on shampoo therapy and her medications. Her next visit showed much improvement, and we used NAET to desensitize her to ragweed and mold. We also had her caretaker bring several items from the home, such as cleaning products, aerosols, bedding, detergents and more, and discovered contact allergies to the laundry detergent, the caretaker’s perfume, and Lysol. Obviously, no blood test would have picked up these contact allergies.

Daisy slowly regained normalized skin, but at four years old continues to fight some seasonal allergies. The West Highland White Terrier breed has genetic allergic tendencies, which means she may never be normal. But MRT picked out the allergens in her home and food that were complicating her recovery. We also treated her food allergies, so her diet is no longer so restricted.

2)Chief, a five-month-old Boston Terrier, had a history of regurgitation of two months’ duration, and was diagnosed with mega-esophagus. He was on medication but it didn’t totally help. MRT diagnosed an energy imbalance in the vagus nerve, which is main nerve that controls the entire digestive system (and more).

We treated the vagus nerve with NAET and the puppy improved greatly. His next exam and further MRT indicated that the energetic imbalance was due to a vaccinosis reaction to the coronavirus puppy vaccine. This was cleared via NAET and Chief returned to normal. We did additional vagal nerve treatments over the next two months and his problem has not returned.

3) Chloe, another dog, demonstrated a case of emotional allergy. It seemed whenever the phone rang, Chloe would run to the kitchen and bark and growl at the person who went to answer it. She also “attacked” the cell phone when it rang on the coffee table.

It turned out that someone in the family was ill. Every time the phone rang, it caused tension in the household because they were expecting bad news. Evidently, Chloe decided to “protect” her people from the “bad phone”. We treated her with NAET once, and her caretaker called the next day to say: “It’s a miracle… no more attacking the phone, or us!”

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