Revolutionary Pet Products Don’t Happen by Fluke!

In 2018, after a 12 year absence from the pet treat industry, life-long dog lovers Joe & Judy Roetheli, were focused on finding ways to improve the lives of their dogs. As Judy opened a cupboard door, a pile of rejected dog treats tumbled to the floor and an epiphany occurred like a bolt of lightning. Joe would create the ultimate dog treat – a flavor hit with dogs that happened to be great for teeth and healthy, too.

It was apparent that the pet industry was completely saturated with dog treats, chew treats, dental treats, and supplements. There was immense sameness. And about the same time, studies documented that 80% of dogs aged three or older had some form of gum disease, but only 20% of these owners realized their dog was suffering from the disease. Could he and Judy provide dogs with a revolutionary treat that was better than anything currently on the market? What he envisioned was something like a Swiss Army Knife – a multipurpose tool that was absolutely indispensable. It had to incorporate Oral care, Nutrition, Enjoyment and Safety or as he calls it… the Revolutionary ONES.

The hexagonal geometry was the perfect shape for the new dog treat. With 200+ surfaces to scrape plaque from teeth it would not only clean teeth and freshen breath, but it would also be safe dissolving quickly, deter gulping and blockages, and be packed with excellent nutrition and wellness ingredients. They patented the idea and decided to call the ingenious new product Yummy Combs®, as a tribute to the bee-inspired shape.

Joe (PhD in Agriculture) then built a dream team including Dr. Lon Lewis, one of about 100 Board-Certified Veterinary Nutritionists, and Dr. Jan Bellows, a Board-Certified Veterinary Dentist. Together they worked to produce a functional shape and a formula that was complete and balanced, containing optimum amounts of nutrition including omega 3 fatty acids, turmeric, yucca, glucosamine & chondroitin. Plus, they included other natural ingredients addressing joint and skin health, breath and digestive odors, and immune and cognitive functions.

Then they focused on advancing the safety of dog treats. Many dog treats can be a choking hazard or potentially block  an intestine. At his Florida clinic, Dr. Bellows measured the oropharynx – or throat opening size – of the dogs at his practice. Then dogs were divided into five weight classes resulting in five sizes of Yummy Combs®.

“It’s virtually impossible for a dog to swallow a Yummy Combs® without chewing it.” says Dr Bellows. And in the unlikely event a chunk is gulped and gets lodged in the throat or intestines, Yummy Combs® has two patented built-in ways of rapidly dissolving the treat.

While everything Joe and his team went through to create the healthiest, safest treat was important, his first rule for dog treats has always been that dogs need to love the taste. Yummy Combs® has over 1,300 five-star ratings. Most are related to the great taste but others are about the ingenious oral care, excellent nutrition, and the advanced safety.

With 8 registered and 1 patents pending, Joe and Judy Roetheli and their team have achieved the ambitious goal of helping dogs live better by creating an All-in-One Dental Treat that’s so healthy and original it has defined an entirely new category in the pet section.

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