Why Structure Is Important When Training Your Dog

To help ensure training success, and keep your dog living her best life, some rules and structure will always be necessary. Dogs thrive on knowing what to expect and are much happier when you take the lead. Here are five tips that create the structure necessary for a well-trained dog who is well on her way to confidence, freedom, and adventure!


All foundational training should center around creating calmness in your dog, because a calm mind is ready and able to learn.


For optimal success, it’s important to get your dog on a schedule and keep her on it. A schedule helps change undesirable behavior.


Dogs of all ages should be comfortable being kenneled, so they have a place to go to rest and be quiet. It can also make challenging situations (like boarding, vet visits, or traveling) a lot less stressful.


Feed your dog at the same times every day, and don’t create excitement around mealtimes.


We want to create a dynamic where all humans in the home are the leaders and teachers, and all dogs are followers and students. The worst thing you can do is be inconsistent.

The amount of structure necessary will vary from dog to dog, and you can adjust it as your dog improves, earns more privileges and freedoms, or as she ages out of some behaviors. The best part is that if you start with these five basics, life becomes simpler and you get the dog of your dreams!

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