5 Ways Dog Training Facilities Can Make All the Difference

Dog training facilities are dedicated spaces for training dogs. They’re controlled environments with fewer distractions, and they’re staffed with experts who can ensure your dog gets the attention they need to succeed. Dog training can be done anywhere. In a public park, at home, on the streets —even at pet-friendly retailers like PetSmart. So why […]

Top 5 signs your dog needs ‘warming’ food

Did you know the ‘temperature’ of your dog’s diet can impact everything from their health to their energy levels and even their emotional well-being? According to Eastern Food Therapy (EFT) our bodies run either warm, cool or neutral and eating specific foods can help correct any imbalances. For dogs that run too cool, a warming […]

7 herbs that support your senior dog

Senior dogs need extra help to keep them happy and healthy. Used under the guidance of your veterinarian, these seven herbs address a range of age-related issues in your canine companion. Caring for a senior dog can be a challenge. Older canines often suffer from arthritis, heart disease, GI issues, cognitive decline, mobility problems and […]

Is your cat happy?

A happy cat is a healthy cat. Find out whether or not your kitty is happy, and how you can help her feel better. Your cat trots towards you, chirping a greeting, tail straight up in the air. Later, she sits in a sunny windowsill eagerly watching and chattering at the birds outside. These are […]

What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet?

Ever wonder what it takes to make the most effective, eco-friendly pee pad available? Here’s how WizSmart has turned years of experience into a premium product. What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet? Years of market research, innovative thinking and experimenting – that’s what! With a focus on sustainability […]

What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet?

Ever wonder what it takes to make the most effective, eco-friendly pee pad available? Here’s how WizSmart has turned years of experience into a premium product. What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet? Years of market research, innovative thinking and experimenting – that’s what! With a focus on sustainability […]

Tibetan singing bowl therapy

If you’ve never heard Tibetan singing bowls, you’re in for a treat, and so is your dog or cat. This unique modality uses sound therapy to help heal and calm. Sound can have a profound impact on our well-being, and that of our dogs and cats. Play some calming music or gentle nature sounds and […]

3 essential vitamins your pet needs

There are a few essential vitamins that your dog or cat needs, all of which have to come from his food. Here’s how to determine if he’s getting enough! Is your pet getting all the nutrients he needs from his food?  As you can imagine, food that is made to meet the minimums of a […]

Venomous snakes and dog safety

When hiking with your dog, knowing what kind of venomous snakes you may encounter might make all the difference. Despite the joy we find on a vigorous trail hike, a slithering surprise underfoot will send many of us straight back to the trailhead. Even the most experienced trail runner can be scared stiff by an […]

2 important things to know about pet food labels

Having trouble understanding what’s in your fur babe’s food? Here are two things that’ll help you avoid confusion when reading pet food labels! Pet food labels don’t always look like the labels you’re used to seeing on human food. There are two different types of labels that you might find on your dog or cat’s […]

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