What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet?

Ever wonder what it takes to make the most effective, eco-friendly pee pad available? Here’s how WizSmart has turned years of experience into a premium product. What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet? Years of market research, innovative thinking and experimenting – that’s what! With a focus on sustainability […]

What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet?

Ever wonder what it takes to make the most effective, eco-friendly pee pad available? Here’s how WizSmart has turned years of experience into a premium product. What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet? Years of market research, innovative thinking and experimenting – that’s what! With a focus on sustainability […]

Probiotics for pets – a primer

They’re not just for GI issues. Probiotics can help with a range of health problems and can also help maintain overall wellness in healthy dogs and cats. Supplements for dogs and cats are many and varied, but my clients ask about probiotics the most. In fact, it’s a rare consultation during which the topic of […]

3 essential vitamins your pet needs

There are a few essential vitamins that your dog or cat needs, all of which have to come from his food. Here’s how to determine if he’s getting enough! Is your pet getting all the nutrients he needs from his food?  As you can imagine, food that is made to meet the minimums of a […]

Venomous snakes and dog safety

When hiking with your dog, knowing what kind of venomous snakes you may encounter might make all the difference. Despite the joy we find on a vigorous trail hike, a slithering surprise underfoot will send many of us straight back to the trailhead. Even the most experienced trail runner can be scared stiff by an […]

High-protein diets for pets – why quality and source matters

While the quantity of protein a dog or cat requires depends on a variety of factors, quality should always be a priority – especially in high-protein diets! Many dogs and cats benefit from diets high in protein. Although the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) doesn’t have a definition of what constitutes a high-protein […]

What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet?

Ever wonder what it takes to make the most effective, eco-friendly pee pad available? Here’s how WizSmart has turned years of experience into a premium product. What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet? Years of market research, innovative thinking and experimenting – that’s what! With a focus on sustainability […]

What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet?

Ever wonder what it takes to make the most effective, eco-friendly pee pad available? Here’s how WizSmart has turned years of experience into a premium product. What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet? Years of market research, innovative thinking and experimenting – that’s what! With a focus on sustainability […]

Rabies and your pet

Rabies is a serious disease, so making sure your dog or cat is protected with vaccination remains a necessity. As with any vaccine, however, the potential adverse reactions can also be serious. So what’s the answer? Rabies is a serious and usually fatal disease. This means that vaccinating our dogs and cats against this disease […]

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