What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet?

Ever wonder what it takes to make the most effective, eco-friendly pee pad available? Here’s how WizSmart has turned years of experience into a premium product. What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet? Years of market research, innovative thinking and experimenting – that’s what! With a focus on sustainability […]

What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet?

Ever wonder what it takes to make the most effective, eco-friendly pee pad available? Here’s how WizSmart has turned years of experience into a premium product. What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet? Years of market research, innovative thinking and experimenting – that’s what! With a focus on sustainability […]

Legalizing cannabis for pets

Making sense of the changing laws and regulations surrounding the use of medical marijuana in dogs and cats. The legalization of medical cannabis for both pets and people is a hot topic. Opinions range from 100% nationwide decriminalization to a more cautious approach advocating for further research. So how do you know what to ask […]

How PRP helps treat cranial cruciate ligament injuries in dogs

Cruciate ligament injuries are common in our canine companions. Modified platelet rich plasma (PRP) assists with recovery by stimulating the repair of soft tissues and joints, and using the body’s innate ability to self-heal. Ruptured cruciate ligaments are among the most common injuries in dogs. Caused by chronic inflammation and the highly active lifestyles of […]

An innovative formula to promote mobility in dogs

Did you know that in 2022, dogs are living a lot longer than they used to? According to science.org, due to better health care and diet, dogs’ life expectancies have doubled in the last four decades. Which is great news for us because it means we get to spend a lot more time with our […]

3 essential vitamins your pet needs

There are a few essential vitamins that your dog or cat needs, all of which have to come from his food. Here’s how to determine if he’s getting enough! Is your pet getting all the nutrients he needs from his food?  As you can imagine, food that is made to meet the minimums of a […]

Venomous snakes and dog safety

When hiking with your dog, knowing what kind of venomous snakes you may encounter might make all the difference. Despite the joy we find on a vigorous trail hike, a slithering surprise underfoot will send many of us straight back to the trailhead. Even the most experienced trail runner can be scared stiff by an […]

How to choose trustworthy supplements for your dog or cat

Know your quality standards and look for these four label elements when choosing trustworthy supplements for your dog or cat. In today’s saturated market, one of the hardest decisions to make as pet parent is picking the right vitamins and supplements for your fur babe. The industry has grown substantially over the past several years […]

Why your dog should eat fruits and veggies

Most people think of dogs as meat-eaters — and of course meat needs to make up a large percentage of their diet. But fruit and veggies are also beneficial to canine health and well-being. When it comes to including vegetables and fruit in the canine diet, people have different opinions. Some think it’s unnecessary; others […]

What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet?

Ever wonder what it takes to make the most effective, eco-friendly pee pad available? Here’s how WizSmart has turned years of experience into a premium product. What does it take to make the best pee pad on the planet? Years of market research, innovative thinking and experimenting – that’s what! With a focus on sustainability […]

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