How do pet parents differ from generation to generation?

How do pet parents differ from generation to generation?

A new survey of Boomers, Millenials, Gen Z and Gen X reveals interesting statistics about how pet parenting varies among different generations.

Do you parent your pets differently than your own parents? You’re not alone! From opting for a break from guilty pleasures like coffee and wine rather than leaving their pet in a kennel, to using television as an alternative to a calming treat, there are some major differences in how different generations parent their pets. A new survey conducted by Trusted Housesitters, the largest pet-sitting network, reveals these results:

  • Millennials and Gen Z are the most willing generations to give up their guilty pleasures (social media, alcohol, coffee, sleeping in, and their favorite TV show) instead of leaving their pet in an overnight kennel for a week.
  • 38% of Gen Z and 33% of Millennials would rather give up alcohol for a month with 37% of Gen Z and 30% of Millennials willing to give up caffeine for a week.
  • Gen X and Boomers are two times less likely to use their pet as an excuse than Gen Z and Millennials.
  • The most popular answer revealed that Gen Z and Millennials are more likely to use their pet as an excuse to avoid social gatherings with friends.
  • After their pet’s favorite toy, Gen Z and Millennials are more likely to play music to calm their pets, whereas Gen X and Boomers are more likely to turn on the TV.
  • The most popular song mentioned as a pet favorite was “Who Let the Dogs Out?”
  • After spending two years watching their pets every move, nearly one third of Millennial pet parents have taken to GPR/Activity collar devices to obsessively track their fur babies as they may head back into the office and social scene.
  • 32% of Gen Z and 31% of Millennials would rather wake up at 5AM every day than keep their dog in an overnight kennel.
  • Almost 30% of Gen Z and 32% of Millennials would rather give up Instagram and TikTok for a week than keep their pet in an overnight kennel.
  • Animal Planet and Paw Patrol were the most mentioned pet-favorite TV shows across all generations!

Do you align with the majority of pet parents from your generation?

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