5 things dog trainers wish you knew

Sometimes reaching out to expert dog trainers is what both you and your dog need. Often it’s you that’s the problem, not your dog.

  1. Dogs are good

    They do bad things because it’s been allowed or unknowingly created and nurtured. If a dog is getting into trouble or “doing bad things,” look at what you are or are not doing to teach and guide to help set them up for success.

  2. Crate training is a good thing

    Crate training should not end at puppyhood and after potty training. This is a critical life skill all dogs should know. Dog owners should help teach dogs to be comfortable in a crate or confined area when the owner is away, the dog is boarding, at the vet, or grooming. Giving dogs their own safe place to rest is one of the best things an owner can do to deter bad habits and destructive behavior when the dog is not supervised. Not to mention a calmer, more well-rested dog.

  3. Setting rules for dogs is NOT mean

    Dogs thrive on structure and predictability. Giving dogs rules and clear expectations through proper training will help them be calmer and more comfortable. This helps create a fantastic relationship too!

  4. Puppies and small dogs need training too

    The sooner an owner starts training with their dog, the better. Don’t let age or size be an excuse for bad behavior. Proper socialization during critical learning developmental phases can impact a dog’s entire life! Take your dog into predictable areas of new experiences to expose them and build their confidence.

  5. Got challenges? Reach out to the experts

    Reach out to experts to be able to help guide you through the challenges that come along with owning a dog. Some issues that are difficult for the average owner, like leash pulling, can be easily and quickly resolved by an expert. Don’t wait until you have a real issue to reach out for help. Be proactive, not reactive. Contact a trainer.

We can help! K9 Lifeline


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