How to keep your dog or cat hydrated

Adequate water intake is essential to good health, particularly during the hot summer months. Here’s why, along with tips on keeping your dog or cat hydrated. As summer arrives, fresh adventures await our four-legged friends and their human companions. Maintaining proper health is vital to enjoying these grand adventures, and one key component, especially for […]

How to enhance your dog’s learning ability

Improving your dog’s well-being through things like bodywork, diet, and quality time enhances her learning ability – and her quality of life! Do you have the power to enhance your dog’s learning ability? The short answer is “yes”! While some breeds such as border collies and German shepherds have a reputation for being the “smartest” […]

Pet services galore!

From mobile groomers to animal photographers, there are all kinds of pet service providers and professionals out there. In fact, pet services of all types are a hot trend these days. Let’s take a look! In an ever-evolving world, the pet industry is no stranger to innovation. One of the hottest trends is the ever-expanding […]

Pet food homework: 3 steps to a better bowl

From counting carbs to doing the “adulteration math”, completing your pet food homework helps you select the best food for a “forever dog”. When Susan completed our Pet Food Homework to learn what she was truly feeding her dog, the results stunned her. Like thousands of others, she had no idea the extent to which […]

Helping your dog live a healthier life

Sometimes quality food isn’t enough to help your pet live his healthiest life — the right supplement can make all the difference. We feed our dogs high quality food and treats. We take them for long walks and let them run in off-leash areas. We buy them toys to keep them stimulated. We give them […]

5 things dog trainers wish you knew

Sometimes reaching out to expert dog trainers is what both you and your dog need. Often it’s you that’s the problem, not your dog. Dogs are good They do bad things because it’s been allowed or unknowingly created and nurtured. If a dog is getting into trouble or “doing bad things,” look at what you […]

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